July is the month of our parish fiesta, the Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. We will celebrate our fiesta for the year 2009 with the theme: "Mary: Model of faith and Service". May we always be inspired by the deep faith of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It was this faith taht made her a true model of servant hood and discipleship.

May mary be always our guide in deepening our own faith: so that we may also serve God and others with the purest of hearts, as we help the parish embarks on its six (6) point program. With Mary as our Patron let us:
  • Deepen our Carmelite Spirituality with the Carmelite saints; also as models;
  • From BEC's or neighborhood Christian communities and continue to be formed through these communities;
  • Strengthen our Families as basic unit of spiritual growth and as agents of growth of Christians communities;
  • Pray for our Youth that they may be instruments of evangelization especially to their fellow youth; our fellow parishioners so that we may all build a worshipping, witnessing and serving community.

Let us say as true devotees of Our Lady of Mount Carmel-- "O Mary thou art blessed amongst all women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus."

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